Watte - Reisverslag uit Ljubljana, Slovenië van Suzanne Noordermeer - WaarBenJij.nu Watte - Reisverslag uit Ljubljana, Slovenië van Suzanne Noordermeer - WaarBenJij.nu


Door: Suzanski

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Suzanne

14 Juni 2016 | Slovenië, Ljubljana

Daar zit ik dan, op het vliegveld van Ljubljana. Lichtelijk misselijk en ik weet niet helemaal zeker of dat komt door gebrek aan ontbijt of omdat ik uit Slovenië aan het vertrekken ben. Maar gelukkig voel ik me eindelijk een beetje kalm. Mijn laatste dag verliep niet helemaal zoals gepland. Twaalf uur geleden was ik nog lekker aan het stressen over mijn laatste opdracht. Een video-opdracht zelfs. Kwam ik er even achter dat ik daar dus geen talent voor heb, video projecten. Laden, opslaan en vooral renderen brengen ultieme frustraties in mij naar boven. Dan hebben we het nog niet eens over wat een irritante pottenkijker ik me voel als ik iets moet filmen. In de toekomst laat ik dit soort dingen dan ook met liefde aan andere mensen over. Het soort mensen dat graag dingen vastlegt voor volgende generaties, een groter gehalte geduld heeft en dan ook nog iets fabuleus in elkaar kan flansen. Schiet mij maar lek, ik heb vast andere talenten. Zelfs als ik op het vliegveld om me heen kijk ben ik omgeven door bergen. Verdomme, weer een hoofdstuk afgerond. Want dit alles voelde wel een beetje als ‘hoofdstuk Slovenië’ in ‘het geflipte leven van Suus’ eigenlijk. Zo van ik ga gewoon naar Ljubljana want ik heb eigenlijk geen idee wat ik me daarbij moet voorstellen. En ik ga daar ineens gewoon focking leuke mensen ontmoeten en leuke dingen doen. En dan ga ik weer weg. Doei. Gelukkig gaat iedereen weg. Gelukkig ben ik een van de eersten want te veel afscheid nemen is niet goed voor een mens. En er zijn ook voordelen, want gelukkig weet in Nederland zeker dat vrijwel alles wat ik zeg wordt begrepen. Gelukkig betalen we in Nederland niet met een en twee centjes. Maar we hebben geen bergen. En gelukkig vlieg ik eerst nog even naar Istanbul. Want me meteen onderdompelen in een zee van verschillende Nederlandse accenten, volstoppen met eierkoeken en weer mijn leven opbouwen enzo kan nog wel even een weekje wachten. Kan ik ook even mijn 'hvala', 'zivijo' en 'prosim' afleren. Oh en een rijtje aanbevelingen kan ook vast wel helpen. Voel ik me weer helemaal cool dat ik deze shizzle weet en nouja misschien ooit in de toekomst heb jij er ook iets aan. Ja jij ja, lezertje. Tot snel :)

Where to be in Ljubljana/Slovenia if you would ask me

What are you?

- Erasmus student
Congratulations! During your stay in Ljubljana you are blessed with Stundenski Boni, which pretty much means you are not going to cook that often. Maybe some pasta every once in a while. But who cares you can go out for dinner every day without going bankrupt. So here are some restaurants that provide absolutely fabulous boni menu’s. Which might come in handy in the first few weeks of boni, but you will discover more stuff.
*Joe Pena’s, you will go here for sure. It’s Mexican food, you get discount on Sol and cocktails and you actually get a dessert. So forget about la Cantina, this is the place to be.
* Holy food, free vegan fast food. Yes, true story.
* Thai in Pub, for the spicy food lovers.
* Loving Hut + Govinda, the places for vegetarian fanatics. Both have a quite nice buffet thing going on.
* Tandoori, has the best curry sandwiches. However I haven’t actually tried boni there, but should be good.

- City Tourist
So Ljubljana is very small. During summer it will be a bit more busy as there are more tourists. However don’t expect massage parties in the weekends. The best evening for getting hammered is probably on Friday, just before all Slovenian students return to their hometowns. The guideline for finding a good party is pretty much just to ask the bartenders and hostel receptionists. Big chance they will send you to Metelkova.
Places that will know where the party is:
* BiKoFe, incredibly chill and slightly hidden. But google can tell you where it is.
* Daktari, gives you kind of a homy feeling. And next door there is a nice coffee place called čokl for the day after.
* Pritliče, located in the hart of the centre next to the city hall. Good vibes.
* Sax pub, this place feels like it is a little outside of the centre but is in a really nice street that will surprise you.
Places you should just check out
* Ziferblat, you pay for the amount of time that you are there and you can make your own coffee. Also the people working there are almost always up for a conversation about the most random stuff. Making Ziferblat feel like the living room you never had (at least, this is student me speaking)
* Metelkova, just google it. Its kind of a thing. There are also some musea around there. The museum of modern art is quite nice, but you are going to want to skip the ethnographic one. Trust me. Also if you happen to be in Ljubljana on the first Sunday of the month, then you can visit musea for free!
* Rog, slightly less accessible in terms of activities. But its interesting to wonder around and it is quite central. You will probably want to walk through Trubarjeva cesta anyway and Rog is located at the end of it.
*Tivoli park, it’s big. It’s green. It’s central. What else do you want? Also they normally have some kind of outdoor photo exhibition.
Things that might be nice
* Friday food market. This happend every Friday during summer. Restaurants have stands here and you can try everything a little bit. Can be expensive though, but you could also just take a peek at the food and decide what restaurant you want to go and eat at that evening.
* Thursday salsa at the castle. Okay I actually havent been here. But to me it sounds really good, as the castle itself is not too impressive. The ‘skyscraper’ also gives a nice view of Ljubljana and the castle is almost too clean and neat to make you feel all tough and knightly. Could be a great dance floor though.
* Tozd, this hipster place has terrible coffee but seems to be the only one that serves mint tea using actual fresh mint. Also they are blasting their speakers next to the Ljubljanica rivier, which is not too bad either.

- Nature tourist exploring Slovenia
So they say Slovenia has over fifty shades of green. Slovenians are also very proud of their coastline and the fact that they also have mountains and forests. Enough to see though, but a car is very useful. So these are the places I still know the names of, are pretty cool and I somehow managed to go there without having my license. Score.
*Jezero pri Podpeči, its a lake you can reach by taking bus 19B. It goes out of the centre and being a tourist you are going to feel lost. But its nice, a bit more quiet and you can swim there.
* Šmarna Gora, the other place you can reach by bus. This one goes in the other direction though. Take bus 8 and get out at Tacer. From there it is about half an hour hike up the hill/mountain and you get a great view over Ljubljana and its surroundings. Also you can eat the Gibanica cake as a reward at the top.
And then now for the locations you cannot take a local bus to.
* Piran, the best city at the coast to visit.
* Soča valley, this river has the most amazing color that seems to light up more and more when the weather is getting worse and worse. You are going to want to see this and maybe the best way to do that is to drive towards the spring in Trenta. On the way there from Kranjska Gora you will pass several shorter and longer hiking tracks where google can also tell you more about. Just google Triglav national park. Good stuff.
* Postojna caves, oh no just joking you will be perfectly fine without going there. If you still want to go see these caves, keep in mind that Škocjan could also be an option.
* Bohinj, yes you will probably visit Bled when in Slovenia. Yes, you should add lake Bohinj to this day trip.
Oh and finally if you are looking for a hostel, Veselova is the shit. All the cool people go there.

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Halloo there! The small letters on these pages tell some things about my Erasmus life in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Most are in Dutch though, since well.. I am Dutch. Enjoy sweeties :)

Actief sinds 19 Feb. 2016
Verslag gelezen: 1701
Totaal aantal bezoekers 92213

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18 Februari 2016 - 10 Juli 2016

Study Abroad in Ljubljana

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